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Primary Sexual, Exercise, Cough Headache. Nummular and Hypnic Headache.

Primary Sexual Headache
Not uncommon, persons may experience severe sudden headache while having sexual intercourse. It often happens right before during or after orgasm and can lead to trips to the emergency room thinking someone has a bleed in the head or other serious complication. Longer term, it can lead to sufferers fearing intercourse or unable to have sex due to fear of the severe pan returning.

This condition is more common than is realized and accurate diagnosis can lead to treatment and improved quality of life. Dr. Sharon will get a detailed history and full examination in order to exclude other more dangerous disease and likely prescribe a safe and effective medicine in order to prevent the headaches from recurring.

Primary Exercise Headache
As the name suggests, this headache occurs in the setting of people exercising. It can also present as a sudden or progressive intense headache that can be scary for many people. Sufferers will often have significant headache when they are exercising. As a result people become afraid to do any type of physical exertion or exercise. In people suffering from these symptoms, it is important to exclude other potential causes such as aneurysms, bleeds, tumors, and other conditions. Once these are excluded, there is treatment available to allow people to continuing enjoying exercise and their lives without suffering from headache.

Primary Cough Headache
Just as the name suggests, this type of headache occurs when people cough. While primary headache cough is not dangerous or life threatening, often other conditions that lead to increased pressure in the head can be dangerous. Therefore, especially when people have these symptoms, it is crucial to rule out other causes of the headache. Dr. Sharon will get a full history and examination, and will almost certainly order imaging, usually MRI imaging, to rule out other causes of the disease.

Nummular Headache
This type of benign headache disorder is when people have a specific area around their head, often the size of a quarter (or "shnekel" in Israel) which causes pain, tingling, or other type of sensation which is disturbing. It is often misdiagnosed and people undergo unnecessary procedures or testing. A simple examination and history is the key to diagnosis and treatment can be personalized the individual; whether it to be reassurance, medication, or local injection into the area.

Hypnic Headache
Hypnic headache is a special type of headache that moft often occurs when people fall asleep and wake up with a headache. The headache most often occurs 1-4 hours after people go to bed and fall asleep at night time. It can be on a daily basis, very painful and troubling, disturb people's sleep, and lead to poor quality of life. People are often concerned that it is the sign of a serious dangerous life threatening condition. Unlike many other primary headaches, this condition can often come in middle age and later on in life.

Dr. Sharon will get a full history of the symptoms, perform a physical and neurological examination, and can offer both safe and effective therapies to treat this condition.

Make an appointment with Dr. Sharon today.

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6917 Shore Road, Brooklyn, NY 11209
718.680.8105     718.680.6556
  • Tuesday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Wednesday: 9 am - 5 pm
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Staten Island Office
345 Seaview Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10305
212.945.4554     646.201.5375
  • Monday: 9 am - 5 pm
  • Thursday: 9 am - 5 pm
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